Market Reports


2020 crop : what to think ?After 3 crops of low production (even extremely low in 2018), the 2019 output is again on the low side, at about 37 Millions MT. of fresh tomatoes, 1 % below the initial forecast and well below the estimated world consumption of 38 / 39 Millions.Large carry-over stocks which maintained international prices

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Market Trends 2019

March 2019 Current market conditions have been quite stable over the last 2/3 months with limited demand; the only action is coming from Turkey, where local packers have been allowed to import up to 25 000 MT. of tomato paste to compensate the lack of products following the very low 2018 pack, Iran, where a

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China to face a record low crop !

The 2018 crop output has now been seriously revised down to less than 34,5 Millions MT. of fresh tomatoes ! This is almost 2 Millions MT. lower than pre-crop estimates and up to 3 Millions MT. below the 2017 volume. China is indeed experiencing a bad crop with low yields and a short harvesting period;

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Tomatoland Market Report January 2018

              TOMATOLAND MARKET REPORT JANUARY 2018 NORTH ITALY : •  2018 crop forecast  : according to local sources, processors and growers should contract a similar volume than in 2017, possibly slightly higher. Unsold volumes seem reasonable at this stage. Local players also expect a slight drop in the price

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TOMATOLAND BRIEF NEWS 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 News from the crops : In EUROPE, the tomato production is running well in Italy, North and South, as well as in Greece. Although slightly lower than recently announced, the latest estimate remain close to the forecast but lower than in 2015. Italy should finish below 5 Millions MT.

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