World crop Estimates as of Oct 5th, 2020
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California Processing Tomato Report 2020
As of May 15, California’s tomato processors reported they have or will have contracts for 12.0 million short tons (10.9 million MT) of processing tomatoes for 2020. This production estimate is unchanged from the January intentions forecast and 7.8% above the final 2019 contracted production total. The May contracted acreage of 235 000 (95 105

World crop Estimates 2020 ! Will it cover the global needs for tomato products ?
Based on our current estimations, the world production should reach 38.3 Millions MT., a 2 % increase from the 2019 output.E.U. will remain almost stable, down 1 %, because of a lower expected volume from Spain.The Mediterranean basin will also remain quite stable, down 0,8 % from 2019.The other regions :- North America : +
Crops volumes & 2020 crop forecast as of Feb 26th., 2020
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California tomato crop updates
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Update : California tomato crop
Updated on Aug 1, 2019 Latest tomato weekly delivery in California (according to PTAB source) show that factories received less fresh tomato than last year at the same period. Last hail storm in June affected about 6 500 hectares and lower yields on the rest of the surfaces (5 to 10% below contract) tend to